
Deogratius Male uses his e-commerce platform to promote use, sale of genuine herbal products

In 2021, his grandmother got a terrible illness that required medication and since herbal medicine is widely used in Uganda, Deogratius Male’s family first went for that option.

However, to their surprise, they moved to a number of people who claimed to be the best in providing herbal medicine but on almost all occasions, they ended up being duped.

There and then, he smelt a golden opportunity.

“On December, 25, 2021, I conceived the idea of starting a platform that would help the public easily access herbal medicine. Since I am a radio presenter, I thought I would use my expertise and knowledge to start Xavier Herbal Products as an e-commerce platform that links buyers and sellers of herbal products,” Male said.

The 32-year-old radio presenter explains that on several occasions he saw a number of people report being duped into buying fake herbal products and to him, he realized there was a gap that ought to be filled to address this challenge.

He says whereas he has some knowledge about Information Technology, he could not do it all and therefore had to employ experts to help him with the technical bit of setting up the website that would suit what he wanted.

How it works

Male explains that after creating the website, he registered his company but also went to the National Drug Authority for permission to be able to sell herbal products.

“I then started looking for certified manufacturers of herbal products to see that their products can be listed on the website.  I made sure only those products certified by the National Drug Authority are listed on the website.”

According to Male, on the platform, the different herbal products cleared by NDA are listed, their prices but also how they can be accessed.

“By coming to my platform, the client is assured that the herbal product they are to purchase is genuine and has been cleared by authorities.  After coming to the website, one can make an order, pay through mobile money and the product is delivered to them at a small fee to their convenience,” he says.

Male says that unlike before, many people have now realized that they can access the genuine herbal products they want but also at their convenience.


He said since the website is in its infancy stage, not many people have appreciated the idea.

He said he has to extensively market the website to ensure many people get to know of it and the services offered.

“I also lack finances to inject into the website to run day to day activities including paying employees but also pay for internet. Currently because I don’t have enough finances, I do everything alone.”

The fact that many Ugandans are computer illiterate also makes it difficult for them to appreciate his services.

“Many Ugandans have trust issues that when you ask them to make orders via the internet and pay via online platforms, they fear being cheated. This makes few people appreciate the job we do,” Male said.

Future is bright

Despite the challenges, Male is optimistic the future of his business is very bright considering the increase in internet penetration in the country.

“With the number of social media and overall internet users increasing day by day, I am optimistic the number of people who appreciate our services will continue growing. The change in terms of internet revolution is inevitable and we are have aligned a platform to provide the required services,” the 32-year-old radio presenter said with a smile on his face.

He said in the next five years, his company will also begin producing its own herbal medicine and sell to the public at relatively lower prices.

“We look forward to providing herbal medicine to the less privileged who may not afford the expensive drugs. Since Uganda is an agricultural country, this medicine can be grown here so that many people can benefit. Our company also hopes to employ more people but also continue with the crusade of herbal medicine,” he said.

He asked government to support young entrepreneurs just like him as many of them continue struggling with their businesses.

“Many young people who come up with ideas like this one should be supported in form of tax holidays as a way of creating employment,” he said.

Male urged fellow youths to always think beyond their age.

“Time will come when you are no longer capable of doing the things you can do now. Use this time wisely. Wake up and see how you will survive in old age.”

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