
Kamyuka is paid for his passion for photography

When I met him at his office in Kampala for our agreed interview, he was decorating his shop in preparation for Valentine’s Day (which falls on February 14).

When a lady entered the shop to look at some of the decorations most of which are in red, Kamyuka led her through all the products they offer including photography.

Whereas she didn’t buy, by the look of her face, she was satisfied with what she had been told.

“I will return on Thursday to buy a few items but I also need a photo shoot,” she said as she rushed for an appointment.

This is the story of William Kamyuka who followed his heart into photography and has never looked back.

He says his photography career first saw the light of day in 2013 immediately after he completed his Senior Six and joined Uganda Film and Television Institute in Lubaga, a Kampala suburb.

Photography has held great meaning for me all my life that I took up its professional training classes at Uganda Film and Television Institute (UFTI) then joined Greenbridge School Of Open Technologies and started working as a professional photographer,” Kamyuka said.

He is now the director of Willtom Media photography company.

Love at first sight

He narrates that he fell in love with camera work at a tender age when he first set sight on a camera at his late grandfather’s studio and since then, he developed love for this special machine that has turned out to be a source of his livelihood.

“I was very young when I first interacted with a camera, and I have not stopped since then. I used to see my grandfather Mzee Joseph Mubiru take photos at different events and I fell in love with the way he was doing his job. He was ever smart and when it came to work, he meant business. Many other people loved what he did,” Kamyuka said.

Starting out

As they say, start small and then grow big, Kamyuka also started small after completing school by borrowing a small camera from a friend that he always used to take photos for cash.

He adds that his first clients were close friends and family members.

“I was new in the business and therefore few people could trust me. Therefore, my first paying gigs were coming from some of my friends and family members,” he said.

According to Kamyuka, the friends and family members who trusted him would later recommend other people considering the quality photos that he had produced for them.

With time, the recommendations saw his business grow after establishing himself.

“I started to do more business coming from outside the circle of family members and friends.”

He says he was able to buy his first second hand Nikon camera for Shs 1,000,000 from the proceeds of his photography.

By getting his own camera, Kamyuka had established himself as a household name in Kampala in the photography business and had now flown solo.

He has never looked back.

No office

He says whereas he had gone to establish himself in the photography business, he didn’t have an office and this was also a challenge since many of his clients kept asking where to find him.

“I didnt have office but I was just moving on appointment but this gave me a hard time. You could get a client who would ask where your offices are located. I could tell them I didn’t have any office and that we could meet somewhere. On several occasions, I would book a place and the client ends up either not coming or they don’t make any order. This meant the money I had injected into booking a place to work as my office was wasted for nothing,” he says.

Kamyuka says that pressure of having an office grew both from his clients and his village mates, most of whom were asking that he sets up one at the village where he grew up from.

He explains that whereas there was pressure for him to set up an office, he could not have one in his home village since few of the village mates would give him business.

“Armed with my camera, desktop computer and a laptop, I moved around the city malls looking for space to rent. Whereas everywhere the rent fees were high, I was determined to get my own office. Inside me, I was sure nothing comes that easy. I had to do it,” Kamyuka said.

He says to him, security and accessibility were the key to having a good office for his business.

“I was looking for a place which is accessible but also secure. There were suggestions of sub-renting but I turned them down since this was not a nice idea in terms of security of my equipment.”

He says that he finally settled at Equatorial shopping mall where he found a number of fellow photographers who had offices.

Kamyuka says he settled in well and started decorating his office to match the work he was doing.

“I first covered the room with newspapers but later designed stickers that I put on the glasses around my office.  I then registered my business with Uganda Registration Services Bureau, got a license from KCCA and work started officially,” he said.

 As they say, the rest is history.


Like they also say the road to success is not straight.

Kamyuka said he had encountered some challenges in his photography business throughout.

“Some of my friends and family members some times invite me to capture moments at their parties and expect me to do it free of charge yet everything I use is costly. I also have to hire some people to help me out with work and asking me to work for free means I will have to dig deep into my pockets to pay these people,” he said.

According to Kamyuka, some clients don’t have patience so they demand for photos, moments after the function not knowing it takes time to edit and print them.

“I take many photos so as to be able to choose the best. So I need a lot of time to be able to choose the best.  Others think photography is just taking a photo and that is all. However, a lot goes into producing a very good photo,” he said.

No regrets

He said that because of photography, he has been able to make a number of friends but above all, the profession has taken him to places he never thought he would reach.

“When you are a photographer, you get to meet high profile people on different events whereas many others hire you as their official photographer. For example, I was the official photographer during the wedding ceremony of renowned rally driver Ponsiano Lwakataka. I have also worked for “Super Lady” Susan Muwonge also dubbed the queen of speed, another rally driver. These are moments of pride that I never thought I would have attained if it was not for photography,” Kamyuka said with a smile on his face.

“I have travelled to several parts of the country where I am hired to photograph an event. I have not on any single day regretted joining photography because I brings out my creativity skills, help bring forth beauty from the most mundane objects, helps people see things around them more beautifully than they would have but above all photography enabled me do something I have passion for.”

He said since he specialized mostly in weddings, photography has enabled him to use expertise that produces images that tell stories and memories that never fade.

According to Kamyuka, photography also allows him freedom to have his own schedules on when to work and to rest since he is self employed.


Kamyuka advised youths never to fear going solo but above all venture into unchartered waters.

“Start with the little to you have but don’t wait to accumulate a lot of money to start a business. Believe in yourself but above all, put God in everything you do,” he said.

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